Our Jupyter / IPython Meetup, August 12th!

Our next meetup is tonight! Stephan will cover sample Jupyter/IPython notebooks. And give a brief demo of how to create one for yourself. Be sure to register!

For those not familiar with Jupyter or IPython notebooks, a note from the Jupyter ReadTheDocs page.

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application for interactive data science and scientific computing. It allows users to author documents that combine live-code with narrative text, equations, images, video and visualizations. These documents encode a complete and reproducible record of a computation that can be shared with others on GitHub, Dropbox and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer.

IPython took the Python programming world by storm and was such a huge success, that it morphed into a nearly language-agnostic platform, serving up support for Python, Ruby, R, Lua, Erlang, F#, Julia, Haskell, and more... the list is up to ~49 language kernels as of August 2015.

To track developments in the Jupyter platform, follow the blog.

For those familiar with IPython already, but not sure what Jupyter is bringing to the table, this article explains it well.

Still not convinced? Jupyter just earned $6 Million dollars in funding from these major supporters:

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation